Sunday Worship
Drawn together by God in worship, the people of God gratefully respond in song and deed to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In worship we are met by the Triune God of grace as we gather around Word and Sacrament to hear again the story of God’s never-ending reconciling love. As we experience God’s grace in the preached word, in the waters of baptism, and as we gather at the Lord’s Table, we respond by offering our whole lives to God as living sacrifices. We are then sent out into the world to love God and our neighbors next door and around the world in all that we say, think, and do.
Liturgy & Music
The liturgy—the way in which we order and structure our time together in worship—takes its form and shape from the way that Christians have been worshipping for centuries. Each week we rehearse the expansive story of Scripture.
Gathered by God—We begin with God’s word to us, respond with praise, confess our sins, and are assured of our forgiveness in Christ.
Word & Sacrament—The center of our worship is Word and Sacrament where we encounter the gospel of Jesus Christ in the preached word, in the waters of baptism, and as we are fed at the Table.
Response to God—We respond by offering our lives back to God as we are sent out to give witness to the love of God in work and play, to neighbor and stranger, family and friend.
We love to sing! We sing ancient texts, old hymns, and new songs. Woven throughout the liturgy, music helps us to give voice to our praise and lament, our joy and our pain. And not only do we sing to God, but the church’s music is also God’s word to us. Whether with the organ or keyboard, guitar or choir, it is our desire to faithfully lift our voices in worship of God.
We gather at the Lord’s Table to be fed and nourished for the journey of faith on the first Sunday of every month. We gather in remembrance what God has done, in communion with that same God through the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit, and to be strengthened as we wait in hope for the day when Christ will come again and heaven and earth will be made new!