Cheri Van Deusen
Office Administrator
I have been the Office Administrator at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen since 2005. I really enjoy my position at the church because I get to personally know all the members and love to help anyone in need. Sometimes a kind word or a listening ear is all that is needed.
I was born and raised in Rhinebeck, New York but now call Kingston my home. I love to work on my gardens and my house. I also love to read, play piano, and cook for others. Another passion of mine is watercolor painting. My children are my four animals—one dog, two cats, and a lovebird.
Linda Bresnahan-McCarthy
Organist and Choir Director

It seems I have always played a keyboard. My first instrument was an antique pump organ rescued by my parents and transported to our basement. After a succession of pianos, lessons, playing piano for Sunday School, where my mother was Superintendent, and singing in choirs, I graduated at age 14 to playing organ in church. Music was always a central part of worship for me, so it was only natural that I became an organist and choir director.
In addition to playing organ, I am a percussionist with the SUNY Ulster Community Band and vocalist with area ensembles. I provide piano instruction privately.
I am blessed to lead the Choir and Congregation of the Reformed Church of Port Ewen in worship. It allows me to share the gift of music and enhance the worship service for our church family.
Reverend Nick Miles

WINGAPO everyone! This is the Powhatan word meaning: Greetings, Hello, or Peace, similar to the word Shalom in Jewish tradition. Many of you know me, having been welcomed in your pulpit several times in the past few years as pulpit supply. Some of you may not know me, so I thought I would introduce myself. I look forward to providing pulpit supply going forward, as you search for the new pastor God has in mind for leading the congregation into the future at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen. I recently celebrated my three-quarter century birthday on March 26th. I grew up in Colts Neck, New Jersey, a small, primarily, horse farm community near Freehold. I was named after my great grandfather, a Dutch seaman, who lived to 103 and I have vivid memories of him at 102 years of age pushing a blade mower and raking leaves. Thus, I have aspirations for a long life on this earth. I served the Bloomington Church for 39 years, moved to Ulster Park and then served, part time, the RCA as Coordinator of Native American/Aboriginal Ministries for almost three years. My lineage is Native American, along with Dutch, English and German. My grandfather’s lineage is of the Pamunkey Tribe, Powhatan Confederacy. He used to fish for shad from the Pamunkey, Delaware and Hudson Rivers, coming as far north as Rhinebeck. Because of the Racial Integrity Laws in Virginia, he wound up in New Jersey as a farmer. The Pamunkey and Mattaponi Reservations are located southeast of Richmond and north of Williamsburg, Virginia. My father and brother were previous chiefs of the tribe. I discovered more about my heritage in the late 60’s. I became affiliated with the Association of Native Americans of the Mid-Hudson Valley in the 70’s and now am the Lead Singer of the Cloud Breaker Society (drum group). My wife, Linda Jo, is also an ordained minister for the RCA, honoring God’s call to serve the church as a pastor after 26 years as a Special Education Teacher for the Rondout Valley School system. She is available for funerals and counseling as needed. She served the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (NY) for seven years after being ordained in 2014. We have two sons, James and Stephen and five grandchildren. A daughter went to her eternal home in August of 1978. At times, Linda may be in the pulpit or we may lead the congregation together. I invite you to introduce yourself to us, as we get to know each other.
Pastor Nick